Private Mailboxes

Essential Mail Services

Only $29.95/month*

24-Hour secure access Small Lockbox

Signature for all major carriers

Text alerts for mail and parcel

Identity theft protection

Holding, storage and forwarding

Elite Mail Services

Only $39.95/month*

Printing credit of $60 per year**

Add a family member to your account free of charge

More Storage Medium Lockbox

Plus everything included in our Essential Mail Services

Professional Mail Services

Only $49.95/month*

Printing credit of $120 per year***

QR Code Processing UPS Drop-off service

60 Complimentary “Open and Scan” virtual mailbox per year****

10% off all Express Shipping and Retail

Plus everything included in our Elite Mail Services

*Pricing quoted is annual. Annual plans must be paid in full and are non-refundable. Month-to-month pricing is available for an additional fee of 20% per month.

**$5 per month   ***$10 per month   ****5 per month

Your Private Mailbox has street address, with secured access 24 hours a day, 365 DAYS A YEAR!

22 Reasons Why You Need a Private Mailbox at Island Ship Center:

  1. Have an address so you don’t have to be home for shipments that require a signature (remember, the Post Office won’t accept UPS and FedEx packages).
  2. Operate a business from home without irritating the neighbors.
  3. Separate your personal address from your business address – protecting your privacy.
  4. Keep your packages out of inclement weather.
  5. Have an address which can accept mail and packages while you’re away on business.
  6. Avoid getting “Sorry we missed you” notices from carriers.
  7. Provides a professional street address, not a “P.O. Box” for business mail.
  8. Receives deliveries from UPS, FedEx, DHL, U.S. Post Office.
  9. Includes a street address on those applications that indicate “NO P.O. Boxes”.
  10. Ability to have a street address for business cards and stationery.
  11. Have center associates available to sign for shipments.
  12. Ability to “call ahead” to check for important documents.
  13. Check for shipments prior to driving to the center, saving you from “wasting” time on shipments or mail that have not arrived.
  14. Have mail forwarded to you while away on business in another city, another state, even another country!
  15. Get your mail sent to you while on vacation.
  16. Keep one address while on temporary assignment for business.
  17. Be notified of an urgent letter or package.
  18. Keep personal mail… personal.
  19. Access 24 hours a day and a secure, well-lit environment in which to sort through your mail.
  20. Protection from identity thieves that prey on mailbox clusters at townhouses or apartment complexes.
  21. Your mailbox at Island Ship Center is locked and secured 24/7.
  22. No one has access to your mail but you!
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