August is our month for upgrades; it’s when we are busy preparing for the upcoming holiday season. This year, we have completely upgraded the Internet in our store and installed a brand new software system for our internal database.

Consequently, we have made a deal with Time Warner Cable to install a separate, free WiFi Hotspot for all our clients and visitors that come inside our store. If you are currently a TWC customer, you can use the hotspot for as long as you wish with your TWC userid and password. If you are one of our Canadian clients or an out of state visitor, you can use the WiFi for up to 60 minutes (per day) at no charge.

free wifi available

On many occasions, we’ve had clients come in wanting to print something from their emails (like return labels or important documents) and we’ve had to send them elsewhere to go online. NOT ANY MORE!

We have also added new barcode scanners in the store to help us record all incoming packages and provide correct information to UPS, FedEx and USPS.

As always, I remain grateful for your incessant support and patience with all our upgrades.

With effervescence and mirth,

Fahim Mojawalla

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Source: ISC Posts

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