Recently, five of our ISC family team members took a 6 hour online certification class to become packaging experts. Due to the pandemic, the course, which is administered by AMBC, the Association of Mail and Business Centers, and taught by Marty Johnson, owner of Uncle Marty’s Shipping Office in Ithaca, New York, was taught just as effectively online via Zoom. Our team members loved it. In fact, they shared their sentiments in a video. Take a look below (watch until the end to see Allyson’s welcome back surprise from Yusuf):

Many people don’t realize that packaging is just as much an art as it is a science. In order to be safe during transit, items must be packaged carefully, using proper techniques. Learning these techniques requires time and skill, along with the right mentors.

Next time you come in to the store, if we are not available, please ask for one of these packaging experts to assist you in packaging your fragile, delicate or irreplaceable items, whether they are artwork, antiques, or family heirlooms:

Theresa, Joe, Allyson, Jordan, Anthony, or Yusuf (who took the course two years ago).

We are so thankful to Marty Johnson and AMBC for allowing us this opportunity to empower and educate our growing team, even through the pandemic.

With much gratitude, resilience and optimism,

Fahim and Seema Mojawalla, Co-Owners

Island Ship Center


We Are Collecting Donations for The Rotary Club's Undie Sunday Event until Jan 27thClick Here for Details