In order to continue providing exceptional service, we have to constantly reevaluate our business model, keeping processes that work and eliminating those services that don’t work so that we can maximize our time in exuding excellence for our team and our guests. For the past nine months, we have tested the tracking results of our prepaid USPS drop off packages. When the post office couriers pick up our packages, they scan an end of day sheet with a barcode that includes all of our USPS packages that have been prepared using our USPS account.

However, this barcoded sheet does not include any prepaid packages that have been dropped off during the day by our esteemed guests. For these packages, we print out a separate list and have the USPS drivers sign off on it before leaving our facility to prove the pick up has occurred. Nonetheless, the tracking information for these prepaid USPS packages that have been dropped off at our facility does not show up on for up to three days, causing unnecessary stress on our team and our guests. We get countless calls during the week asking if these packages have been picked up because no tracking detail is available online! It seems that these packages have gone missing for up to three days, until finally, one of the nearby USPS facilities scans the packages.

We have tried to alleviate the situation by bringing it up to the local postmasters several times but they have many other protocols to follow and given the time constraints of delivering so many packages, they cannot subject their drivers to scan each package from our facility at the time of pickup.

As a result, we have made the decision to accept only packages shipped via USPS using our account. When you come to ship packages and need a label printed, we will gladly be able to assist you. However, when you use an online service to process your USPS labels, please take those packages to the post office for proper processing and handling.

Please note that we will gladly accept all prepaid drop off packages for UPS and FedEx, since these packages show tracking online very shortly after the respective drivers pick them up. Furthermore, we are accepting stamped mail pieces that already have postage, as long as you don’t require a receipt for them. As always, we will continue to use the US Postal Service to ship out daily packages using our own account and will be happy to process your packages through our retail shipping service as well.

We thank you for your continued trust, patience, diligence and support, as we navigate these unfamiliar waters together.

With incessant gratitude, collaborative empathy, and efficacious grace,

Fahim & Seema Mojawalla, Co-Owners

Island Ship Center

#SpaOfShipping #FahimFix #SeemaSolves

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