We have just upgraded our tracking page with carrier auto-detect technology, so now, you can just enter your tracking number and track your package. Provided that the tracking number is valid and the package has shipped, the tracking results will show you its whereabouts, even if you don’t know which carrier was used to ship it!ISC Tracking image

This tracking page can be used for any tracking number, even if you haven’t shipped through our store.

For example, if you purchase an item through eBay, Amazon, etc. and you receive an email with just a tracking number and no carrier information, just go to our tracking page (click the tracking link at the top right of IslandShipCenter.com) and copy / paste your tracking number into the tracking box and hit “TRACK.” It’s that simple.

A lot of people buy through 3rd party vendors that use Amazon or eBay (or other platforms) to sell their products. When these vendors update the shipping information, they sometimes enter just a tracking # without entering the carrier (FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc.).

With our new tracking page, we’re happy to help you track that package, if you just know that tracking number. Feel free to share the link with others, anywhere in the US.

Happy tracking!

With effervescence and mirth,

Fahim Mojawalla

The post Track your package with just a tracking number without knowing the carrier appeared first on Island Ship Center.

Source: ISC Posts

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