Recently, we have rebranded our retail section and called it Seema Boutique, in honor of my better half. She has been sourcing unique gift items for the store for the past 3 years. Every year, we sell more and more unique items, along with exclusive handbags that are rare to find in this area. She prices them accordingly, so that each person who buys them, really gets a bargain.

For example, recently, we visited the gift shop section in the Niagara Falls Casino in Ontario, and found one of her purses (that she sells in our store) selling for twice the price, even when taking into consideration the currency difference! We saw the same price difference when we shopped the gift shop at the Corning Museum of Glass.

So, in order to offer more variety to more people on the Island (and nearby areas), Seema has decided to throw a purse party! And what better day than a day reserved for small businesses? Small Business Saturday! So, on November 25th from 9 am to 5 pm, you are all invited to the Seema Boutique, inside Island Ship Center, to peruse her uniqe selection of gift items and of course, her personal picks of savvy handbags, attractive purses and chic clutches, all decked out. We plan to open our business center that day to accommodate the large selection and ample parking is now available on the side of our building, as well as in the back (marked spots only please).

Please bring this coupon with you to enjoy 20% off any one item in the store that day. You don’t even need to print it out. Just show it to us on your phone before checking out at the cashier.

As always, thank you for your trust, business and kindness.

With efficaceous effervescence and overflowing mirth,

Fahim Mojawalla (the other half),

Co-Owner, Island Ship Center

#SpaOfShipping #SeemaSays #FahimFix

The post Seema’s Having a Purse Party on Small Business Saturday (Nov 25th) and You’re All Invited appeared first on Island Ship Center.

Source: ISC Posts

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