In this video, Fahim talks to Anthony about three top tips to success, as mentioned by Les Brown: Proper mindset, OQP (Only Quality People), and learning clear, effective communication. He ends the video talking about Simon Sinek’s principle (and the title of his newest book) The Infinite Principle, that people are finite but business is infinite and needs to be treated that way if it is to outlast the business owner.

As first generation business owners, we are both very aware of the risks of being transactional instead of relationship-based; so, we follow true industry leaders that inspire us to stay current and keep our business relevant for all demographics.

Moreover, our intent is for Island Ship Center to outlast us so the next generation of owners can take over and grow it even further. Our mentors have instilled this mentality over the years and now, as Island Ship Center reaches a milestone in celebrating its 15th anniversary in business (on April 5th), we are both excited and hopeful to assist our team in growing the business to newer and better heights.

We are truly thankful and overjoyed to be of service. Enjoy this video and let us know your thoughts.

-Fahim & Seema Mojawalla, Co-Owners

Island Ship Center

#SpaOfShipping #FahimFix #SeemaSolves

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