Sidney Tarver, former NFL player and founder of People First Logistics, has been hailed near
and far as a visionary, leader, and empathetic inspiration. Truly a team player, Sidney sat down
with Fahim and they had a great conversation about collaboration, the importance and impact of working together instead of competing head to head, and building community, friendship, and strength so growth can occur on all sides.

We hope you’ll take some time to watch this video of the whole interview. You’ll learn how
Sidney’s Amazon trucking business could have been something that would be in direct
competition with Island Ship Center, but because of our relationship with one another, Sidney’s
years-long loyal patronage, advocacy, and friendship, and his vision that collaboration is much
better than competition, we’ve instead built a system together that allows great benefits for each party, truly growing together.

As Simon Sinek so wisely said in Together Is Better, “We achieve more when we chase the
dream instead of the competition.” We are so grateful for Sidney’s friendship, optimism, and
inspiration. Here’s to continued success!

The ISC Family

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