For the past 22 weeks, with Anthony’s dedicated assistance, we at Island Ship Center have been posting videos on our YouTube channel every week and then sharing them with you through our blog and weekly emails. Despite our incredibly busy schedule, we have not failed to post one video every week for almost six months.

We love what we do and love sharing our content with the world. However, now that summer is almost here, Fahim and Anthony’s schedules are getting even busier and our summer move jobs and other services require more time from us. What’s more, Anthony is trying to juggle online school with elite soccer and then manage to create and edit the videos.

It is our hope and goal that we get back to a weekly schedule by 2022. However, going forward, we will commit to a monthly posting schedule for our video content. We look forward to creating engaging, educational and entertaining video content once a month that will incorporate many services and stories from our store. 

In making this decision, Fahim announced it first to Anthony on video and we’d like to share that with you as well:

Thank you so much for your trust, diligence and stay tuned for more video content in June and beyond.

With incessant gratitude and resilient optimism,

Fahim and Seema Mojawalla, Co-Owners

Island Ship Center

#SpaOfShipping #FahimFix #SeemaSolves

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