This past month, a dear guest came into our store to ship a very heavy package. Her husband helped her to bring the package into our place of business and put it on the weighing scale for processing.

During the time that Fahim was processing the package, she was speaking quickly (and seemingly aggressively) to her husband, in a language other than English. Fahim just smiled and continued to process the package, assuming that everything was just fine.

In fact, it was fine! She was trying to convince her husband to ship the package regardless of the cost and he was hesitant because of the cost.
It turns out that she did not want to embarass her husband in front of Fahim and the rest of the ISC team by yelling at him in English.

In this video, Fahim talks about the experience, the importance of never jumping to conclusions when guests come into your stores and speak another language, as well as consistency with smiles, service and high value.

These three things really separate excellent businesses from mediocre ones. We are truly honored to be of service. Let us know your thoughts after watching this video.

With much gratitude, empathy, collaboration and trying to exude excellence, Fahim & Seema Mojawalla, Co-Owners Island Ship Center
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