Last week, our dear friend and mentor, Michael Petkewec, invited Fahim to speak to his students via Zoom at the University of Iowa Entrepreneurism Career Seminar class. Michael is a professor at the University and is married to Megan, who’s originally from Grand Island and who’s mother is one of our original clients from 2006!

It was a unique and exciting experience, to talk about our business model and growth, and in turn, allow the students to think of business ideas themselves that they could start in the future. By sharing answers to questions provided by the students, Fahim was able to clarify growth procedures for our own business.

We received permission from the University of Iowa to publish the video and share the questions as well.

Brainstorm Questions for Island Ship Center, Fahim – Spring 2023

  1. How did you get the idea to start a shipping business?
  2. What are some plans you have for the future? Growth?
  3. Do you still do the hotel/lost items business?
  4. When do you plan to retire?
  5. How did you figure out your desired location?
  6. Where do you see the business going in 5 years?
  7. Does he plan to pass on the business to whom?
  8. Why did you choose Grand Island between Buffalo and Niagara Falls?
  9. What accommodations do you provide for persons with disabilities?
  10. What are some challenges you face in your business?
  11. Do you have time to eat and take breaks? Work-life balance?
  12. What is your favorite part of your business?
  13. What are 3 things that make a successful business?
  14. Do loyal or repeat customers get discounts or what do you do for them?

Credits to:

University of Iowa College of Education

UI REACH Entrepreneurism Career Seminar

With gratitude and respect,

Fahim & Seema Mojawalla, Co-Owners

Island Ship Center – Making The Mundane Extraordinary

#SpaOfShipping #FahimFix #SeemaSolves

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