After constantly debating with the Island Ship Center team, Fahim has finally decided to take the leap and purchase an iPhone for use at the store and for the business. He’s been an Android user since 2008 so there was a significant learning curve. However, all the wonderful ISC family members, all of whom own iPhones, made this transition almost seamless. Watch as Fahim goes through the transformation.

He especially loves the Facetime and Face ID features. He also loves the seamless connectivity of all three of his devices to one iCloud account, which saves time and increases productivity.

He does miss the text scheduling on his Android device along with the familiarity of the system; however, these features did not stop him from switching.

Which device do you use and why? We’d like to know.


Seema Mojawalla and the rest of the Island Ship Center Family (All Of Whom Are iPhone Users).

#SpaOfShipping #OneFamily #FahimFix #SeemaSolves

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