10 years ago, I had a vision: To provide our community with a spa of shipping (#SpaOfShipping), to make it a fun place, where people can come to feel good about themselves, and still get mundane tasks accomplished, like shipping, faxing, copying, etc.

As I look back, thanks to all the wonderful people I have met, this journey has been worth it! As we complete our remodeling job in the front of the store, I now invite you to join me in celebrating 10 years on Grand Island, on Tuesday, April 5th at 11 AM. I’m sure my late father would have been proud of me.

I’m anxious to show you 6 new services that we are launching that day, including digital mailboxes, private mailboxes, international shipping options, furniture shipping (with a new loading dock, custom built in the back of our building), unique gift items displayed elegantly in our expanded store space, and secure shredding with document destruction, to help control the epidemic of identity theft.

All of these services are nothing without your trust and support; so please, join Seema & me for some unique refreshments on April 5th (we plan to have some nice Indian snacks for your palatable pleasure).ISC Invite

Please RSVP by March 20th so we can put your on our guest list.

With gratitude, effervescence and mirth,

Fahim Mojawalla

The post Join us April 5th for our 10 Year Anniversary and Grand Re-opening Celebration appeared first on Island Ship Center.

Source: ISC Posts

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